إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة

الخميس، 9 أكتوبر 2008

من نحن
تامر بركة
محام -مستشار قانونى
وكيل براءات اختراع وتسجيل العلامات التجارية
عضو الجمعية المصرية للقانون الدولى
عضو اتحاد المحامين العرب
عضو اللجنة المصرية لغرفة التجارة الدولية بباريس
- We Are Attorneys At Law --- ------ Legal Advisors ---------- Economic Consultants -------- and We Introdous ALL Servies In Law- Iam a lawyer based in Egypt and our firm offers all types of legal services to foreign investors wishing to do business in Egypt --
tamer baraka
الخدمات التى نقدمها لعملائنا :-
نقدم جميع الاستشارات القانونية والاستثمارية والاقتصادية
ونحن متخصصون فى زواج الاجانب
واعمال تاسيس الشركات بهيئة الاستثمار
وتسجيل براءات الاختراع والعلامات التجارية
تسجيل وحماية العلامات التجارية العربية والاجنبية بجمهورية مصر العربية
وجميع اعمال محاكم الاسرة( زواج اجانب - خلع - تطليق - نفقة - ضم صغار )
واعمال الملكية الفكرية
وجرائم المعلوماتية وجرائم النشر واعمال الشهر العقارى والتسجيلات وصياغة العقود والالتزامات قبل التعاقدية
وسائل الاتصال
tamer baraka

هناك تعليقان (2):

Tamer Baraka يقول...

We Are Attorneys At Law --- ------ Legal Advisors ---------- Economic Consultants -------- and We Introdous ALL Servies In Law
- I'm a lawyer based in Egypt and our firm offers all types of legal services to foreign investors wishing to do business in Egypt

- Intellectual Property Law
Our lawyers have expertise in copyright and trademark law and regulation, and unfair competition practices. Our work include negotiation, preparation and drafting of agreements, and litigation involving all types of intellectual property. We also assist clients in protecting patents, trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property rights>
Our lawyers handle all aspects of corporate law from incorporation to dissolution. A significant part of the corporate practice is devoted to corporate governance issues and the contractual relations between our clients and their business partners. These include suppliers, customers, landlords, tenants, trade partners or consultants. We have extensive experience in dealing with the entire spectrum of issues facing companies in both the private and public sectors regardless of the degree of complexity. One of our activities in this area is merger and acquisition transactions, including legal investigation of the target, and the negotiation and documentation of the transaction

- Direct Investment
Assistance is given to clients in formulating the most advantageous structure for their Egyptian ventures, taking into consideration tax, managerial, risk and market factors. To effect the investment,international law frim ( Tamer Baraka (lawyer ) assists in the formation of corporations and partnerships as well as of branches or representative offices, advises on the regulatory and registration requirements, and handles all legal aspects of setting up the appropriate infrastructure. Once the new venture has become operational, the firm provides an ongoing advisory service to both shareholders and management, covering legal and financial aspects of the day-to-day operation of the investment

contact us


Tamer Baraka يقول...

We aim to find the best of legal solutions.
We provide a full range of legal services, including advanced legal planning, to our clients in all sectors of industry, commerce and government. In every case, we aim to understand how our clients’ businesses run, identify and address potential problems, so that we may best help our clients reach their goals.
As an international law firm, we deploy the best legal talents. They are experts in their legal specialties. They also possess sound commercial judgment, creativity and mental agility
We see ourselves as a professional advisory team supplying the legal requirements of business and commerce to the highest standards.
Our objective is to reconcile the legal framework with the commercial requirements of a transaction so that our clients’ needs can be achieved in the most effective way.
Our organization enables us to provide appropriate professional skills, which are integrated as required to handle any particular transaction regardless of size and complexity.
While offering the full facilities of a large law firm, we emphasize personal contact, particularly at partner level.